California Agtech Market Expedition : Understand local opportunities
“A market at the origin of tomorrow's agriculture”
My first market expedition as an independant in the French Vineyards was the unique opportunity to discover this market from the inside. In one month, I have meet more thant 60 wine growers in the main wine producing regions. After this success, I decided to renew the experience and to go to conquer the American West, California !
If want to better understand why the California agricultural markets, I recommend you read the following article: California is the origin of an agricultural revolution.
Summary of the expedition in video (7 min)
The California agricultural market
With more than 1,800,00 ha of high value-added crops, California is unique in the world: 🍇+ 350,000 ha of grape growing, 🥦+ 500,000 ha of vegetables growing, 🍏+ 1,000,000 ha of orchards growing,🍓+ 20,000 ha of berries growing.
Summary of the California markets opportunities
↓ More details about the project and the expedition purpose in this presentation ↓
Expedition itinery, Opportunities, Collaboration Offers, Benefits …
a unique and customizable project
During 3 weeks, I will personally go to California to study the local markets, and more particularly the Californian vineyard. Collaborate on this expedition could be a unique opportunity for you to get feedback from the heart of the Californain markets. By working with a specialist of new agricultural technologies, you have the possibility to analyze your market and better anticipate the local markets and their opportunities.
Napa Valley, Photo from Maxence Guillaumot
The expedition will take place early 2023 :
Start : Janaury 23rd, 2023
Return : February 20th, 2023
Project’s opportunities for you
Get a customized field analysis of any Californian market
Understand producing regions & specificities
Present your product and collect product feedback to a large number of growers
To know all the specificities of the cultivation methods of each producing region
Developing a local network of potential users and partners
Preparing a week of immersion on site, meeting growers
who can benefit from this project?
AgTech Companies that are ready to conquer on new markets
AgTech Companies that want to reduce their time-to-market through a better market knowledge
AgTech Companies that still need to adapt their product to the market
AgTech Companies that want to develop a local network users & partners
provisional itinerary
itinerary (may vary a little)
January 24th: 2023 Unified Symposium
First week: Sacramento - Napa - Mendocino
Second week: Sonoma – Napa – Monterey
Third week: Santa Barbara – Kern – Tulare - Fresno
February 14-15th: World Ag Expo
Fourth week: Madera – Merced - San Joaquin North & South
information about market opportunities
The Labor shortage
This is the number one challenge of the 21st century in most developed countries. In California, farmers have been suffering the full effect of this for the last ten years. And the COVID-crisise has only accelerated this process. Farmers expect a lot after robotics and autonomous solutions.
recurrent droughts
Growing in California is becoming more and more challenging. If California agriculture is to continue to feed the United States, it must optimize the use of its natural resources. Precision farming makes sense.
The Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions (FARMER)
This program provides funding through local air districts for agricultural harvesting equipment, heavy-duty trucks, agricultural pump engines, tractors, and other equipment used in agricultural operations. In order to reduce the emissions of the 160,000 pieces of off-road, diesel-fueled mobile agricultural equipment, the State Legislature allocated $135 million to the California Air Resources Board (CARB).
AgTech Market will be present at the largest viticulture show in the US. The perfect event to see new products, new trends and develop local network.
World Ag Expo 2023
AgTech Market will conver the largest annual outdoor agricultural show with over 1,450 exhibitors and an attendance of over 100,000 people each year. The perfect event to see the new trends of the American market.
If you have any question about the project, please let me know.