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how to make a successful investment in agricultural robots?
Guillaumot Maxence Guillaumot Maxence

how to make a successful investment in agricultural robots?

“Making a success of your investment.”

Agricultural robotics is a fascinating subject. Robot manufacturers do not hesitate to show their ambition and the advantages that their machine brings. But what about on the field ? Should you invest in these technologies ? How should you invest ? What profitabilty can you expect ? Today, we are going to see three of the most important criteria to consider before purchasing a robot, based on my farmer’s perspectives and my experiences in robotics.

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International opportunities : AGTECH opportunities ON THE CANADIAN AGRICULTURAL MARKETs
Guillaumot Maxence Guillaumot Maxence

International opportunities : AGTECH opportunities ON THE CANADIAN AGRICULTURAL MARKETs

“A rapidly evolving market.”

After studying the USA market, it was only natural to look at what was happening on the other side of the border, in its neighboring country, Canada. Not surprisingly, there are similarities between the two markets. Today, we are going to get to the center of this market to estimate its size, its behavior and its evolution.

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Understanding the Farming Robotics Revolution : the alternative that agriculture has been waiting for !
Guillaumot Maxence Guillaumot Maxence

Understanding the Farming Robotics Revolution : the alternative that agriculture has been waiting for !

« Understanding the agricultural robotics revolution : the alternative that agriculture has been waiting for ! »

Robotics is a promising solutions. In the last century, agriculture had to evolve to meet the needs of an ever-growing population. For the same surface area, mechanization and advances in chemistry allowed production to explode while reducing the labor required to produce it. Smaller and lighter, robots are gaining in precision and efficiency, and their large-scale use could help farmers produce more while respecting the environment more.

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Guillaumot Maxence Guillaumot Maxence


« The American agricultural market: Between immensity, diversity and opportunities »

After studying the state of California and its various markets, we now turn to the rest of the American market. Several weeks of research and study were necessary to better understand this market, to analyze it and to get the key data and share them with you.

Today, we are going to see why this market is huge, both in terms of the size of its operations and the many opportunities that exist.

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5 reasons to consider California Agricultural market part of your development strategy
Guillaumot Maxence Guillaumot Maxence

5 reasons to consider California Agricultural market part of your development strategy

« California market is preparing to revolutionize agriculture »

During my experience in the California vegetable growing market, I had the chance to work with hundreds of farmers, experts and researchers in the sector. These encounters allowed me to discover and better understand the specificity of the Californian market.

Back in France, I studied the other Californian markets to have this global vision. This article follows several months of research, analysis and meetings with players in other sectors of California agriculture. The stakes of this market are high and the opportunities for improvement are numerous. I propose that we look together at the 5 reasons that lead me to believe that the California market is preparing to revolutionize agriculture.

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The Family farm
Guillaumot Maxence Guillaumot Maxence

The Family farm

« An agricultural revolution is coming. »

Today we are going to meet Didier Guillaumot, manager of the family farm. He is a person who inspired me a lot during my life. He has always thought differently, trying to make his farm evolve so that it can adapt to the evolution of the agricultural world. The interview was the opportunity to go back over his career, understand his vision and get his advice. But also to talk about the future, innovation and sustainable agriculture.

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